Blog Details 01

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insert this code into give-wp plugin (includes/forms/template.php) (function() { // load calendly script var calendlyScript = document.createElement('script') calendlyScript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript') calendlyScript.setAttribute('src', '') document.head.appendChild(calendlyScript)// set up calendly iframe var calendlyDiv =. document.createElement('div') calendlyDiv.setAttribute('id', 'calendly-form')// make sure this exists so no error var giveForm = document.querySelector('form[id^="give-form"]') giveFormHeader.parentNode.insertBefore(calendlyDiv, giveForm) Calendly.initInlineWidget({ "url": '', "parentElement": document.getElementById('calendly-form'), "prefill": {}, "utm": {} });// // giveForm. })() */ (function() { /** // insert content into the first section below the slider on the homepage var g = document.createElement('p') var gallery = document.createTextNode("Check out our gallery where you'll see things from hidden treasures found in the house to historic articles from Ogden's rich historic past!") g.appendChild(gallery) var firstCol = document.querySelector('.pagebx_3cols:first-child > .pagebx_content_box') firstCol && firstCol.appendChild(g) // insert content into the 2 section below the slider on the homepage var e = document.createElement('p') var events = document.createTextNode("Come to our Spike150 Home Tour and celebrate sesquicentennial by exploring the home of the greatest gun inventor to ever live!") e.appendChild(events) var secondCol = document.querySelector('.pagebx_3cols:nth-child(2) > .pagebx_content_box') secondCol && secondCol.appendChild(e)var thumbs = document.querySelectorAll('.pagebx_thumbx > a') var icons = ['fa fa-camera','fa fa-calendar','fa fa-envelope'], icon for (var i = 0; i < thumbs.length; i++) { icon = document.createElement('i') icon.className = icons[i] thumbs[i].innerHTML = icon.outerHTML } */ document.querySelector('.booking-link').href = '/donate' })()